Since BOOT CAMP’s debut in 1991, the entire Kids First/Queen City family and I have had the unique pleasure and good fortune to have hosted over 1000 Boot Campers from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. As a prospective member of the BOOT CAMP “family” it is appropriate that you know how much those Boot Campers who have preceded you have contributed to BOOT CAMP’s evolution over the years. To them we owe sincere thanks.
In our lifetimes we all hope to accomplish a few big things along with the many small things. For me, there is no more gratifying feeling than those times when I know I have helped to enhance another’s life and for that reason BOOT CAMP has become one of the big things in my life. Certainly, it is well known that BOOT CAMP is a business workshop. However, it is my greatest hope that Boot Campers also gain insights which enrich their life in a broader sense. Perhaps that means stronger relationships in or outside of the work place; greater wealth; an inner sense of peace; or a clearer understanding of the world in general. The BOOT CAMP slogan is more than words: it is the reason BOOT CAMP exists…
…lifetime solutions for your business
…business solutions for your lifetime.
I am honored to have scratched the surface of the first level of your trust, as indicated by your presence at our site. I look forward to an opportunity of earning your total and complete trust at an upcoming BOOT CAMP.