REGISTER for Small Business Boot Camp NOW!
Our next Boot Camp is November 14-18, 2024
People sometimes scoff when I say the $2599 BOOT CAMP tuition is not a cost, it is an investment. My question to them is: for a dedicated student, is education a cost or an investment in the future? Not only is BOOT CAMP an investment in your future, it is guaranteed to be the best investment you ever make!
What is the ROI (Return On Investment) for BOOT CAMP? In my life I have attended two pivotal workshops that were priced at about $500 and $3000, respectively. The first one was a preschool workshop in Connecticut in 1978 and, over the last three and a half decades, that $500 has netted me in the neighborhood of 5-10,000X my original investment! The second workshop was an entrepreneurial workshop in Provo, Utah in 1986 and it has given me an equally astounding return on my investment.
What is the Cost of BOOT CAMP in Terms of New Students? Were you to finance BOOT CAMP at market rates, the cost would be between $40 and $50 per month (including airfare). What is the value of one additional student in your club? For the average club that would be about $50/month. Yes, that’s right, the breakeven for BOOT CAMP is an enrollment swing of ONLY ONE ADDITIONAL STUDENT! Is your BOOT CAMP experience likely to net you one additional student? Literally, an additional 10 or 100 students is more likely and 1,000 students is not out of the question.
How Does BOOT CAMP Compare to other Industry Events? What is the cost for one person to attend the National Conference?: Registration = $300 + 4 nights for an expensive room = $700 + ground transportation in an expensive city = $100 + meals = $300. After doing the math and comparing the education you receive it is easy to see that the very best education our industry has to offer is also the very best value. (Don’t forget, BOOT CAMP tuition is all-inclusive).
Register as soon as possible as space is limited.
THE BOOT CAMP INVESTMENT – All-Inclusive – Unbelievably Affordable! Everything is included: ground transport to/from CVG, lodging (Marriott Cincinnati Northeast Hotel), meals, and BC Manual. |
Your BOOT CAMP Investment of $2599 INCLUDES:
- Luxury lodging at Marriott Cincinnati Northeast Hotel.
- All ground transportation to and from CVG airport and during event.
- Thursday evening reception with drinks and light buffet.
- All meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner (people rave about the hospitality)!
- Dinners include steak & wine at Valley Vineyards; BBQ at the Metzger Home; other local spots.
- The BOOT CAMP manual.
- The unique Boot Camp experience that has changed so many businesses and lives.
- * Add $350.00 for single occupancy. Please be considerate: snorers or particularly restless sleepers are respectfully requested to choose single occupancy. Light sleepers may want to consider this as an option as well.
The following REGULAR DISCOUNTS always apply:
- (-) $100.00 if registered 30 days before the start of camp.
- (-) $200.00 for the 2nd, 3rd, (etc.) person from the same organization at the same BOOT CAMP (one manual per club).
- (-) $200.00 if you, personally, are a BOOT CAMP graduate.
Kids First Too Excursion Experience Add-on:
A $400 per person add-on includes Lodging on Wednesday, breakfast at hotel, KFT tour, opportunity to meet Department Leader’s, watch classes, transportation and lunch on Thursday with drop-off back at hotel around 3:00pm. Must arrive on Wednesday.
- (+) $400.00 per person
Financing Available with our EZ Pay Plan:
- The Small Business BOOT CAMP has changed countless lives, not to mention, the face of our industry. We are proud to be able to offer our EZ Pay Plan to help individuals who have not yet started into business or operating businesses that do not have the financial ability to pay in full at the onset. The EZ Pay Plan requires the use of a major credit card.
- Download EZ Pay Plan Application >>
Before booking airfare. BOOT CAMP enrollment is LIMITED. Please do not make non-refundable airline reservations until registration is confirmed.
Cancellations. We know that plans can change and we have been as liberal as possible with our cancellation policy:
- 29 + days before BOOT CAMP-100% refund.
- 22-28 days before BOOT CAMP-Tuition minus a $200 cancellation fee.
- 15-21 days before BOOT CAMP-Tuition minus a $300 cancellation fee.
- 0 -14 days before BOOT CAMP-Tuition minus a $500 cancellation fee.
More Information? We realize BOOT CAMP is a significant investment in time and money and that a return on your investment is the only reason to attend. Please call us to answer any questions.
Registration or Curriculum Questions: Megan Smith- 513.489.7575 •